Emenki Web Solutions will take your existing web site and upgrade the web site design graphically, or optimize content to ensure your web site is up to date with an in style layout and design!
Emenki Web Solutions performs optimization of all your pages to improve search engine rankings, and to reduce errors that will make customers leave.
Contact Us!If your site is giving you headaches and producing random errors - giving it a fresh redesign can help. With the redesign we will ensure to fix any errors you may previously had such as broken links, W3C validation errors of your page's HTML source code, javascript errors causing a slow or non functioning website, and even errors that are dependent on specific browsers such as Internet Explorer.
Your site may visually be appealing and "work" but you may not be getting visitors due to bad Search engine positioning. A site redesign can breathe life into an existing site by proper content optimization and html coding, that will help your on page search engine optimization.
One of the biggest complaints we here is "our site loads too slow". This usually is a result of either being on a poor web hosting platform, or just simply the code is not optimized and runs slow. With proper HTML and CSS coding, as well efficient code pulling from your database, the site will load faster. A redesign of your code can bring this to fruition.